The resistance starts here…
But does it have to be Jazz?
Yeah. It does. Jazz is the secret sauce. It’s the magic. It’s the true expression of the independent spirit that is sublime when blended with others. It’s not the individual vs the collective, but the power of a collective of individuals.
Jazz Cow flat shares with his manager, Denzil. That’s one stressed bunk bed, as Jazz Cow insists on the top bunk. Denzil is the world’s worst manager in that he’s too nice, naïve, and doesn’t like to talk about money. And he’s easily pulled in by Dr Popp’s apps and eco-system He can’t be left alone at important moments. Fortunately, Jazz Cow doesn’t need much managing as he and his band have a residency at Connie Snots
Why does a cow end up having to pull off a heist?
It introduces Jazz Cow (voiced by Neiko Neal) whose Saxophone is stolen and placed in a bank deposit box. That’s why? Dr Popp (Voiced by Silas Hawkins) has managed to get his hands on the resistance’s secret weapon and has put it beyond use. Bash890 has been hired to make the codes unbreakable – but of course, he can’t create truly random codes because everyone improvises on a theme. JazzCow and the band use their improv skills to create distractions, crack codes, and liberate the saxophone so that it can be used to continue the resistance.
Why Kickstarter?
Over the last few years, streaming services and broadcasters have commissioned some fantastic animated sitcoms. Although we are open to conversations with broadcasters and commissioners, we are building this series from the grassroots up and want to create a show that audiences will love. So we are starting with the Kickstarter.
Jazz Cow’s mission
Jazz Cow has two main missions. One is to preserve the good – keep the club open and out of the hands of Dr Popp. Keeping the spirit of Jazz and improv alive.
Including all of the things that the bohemian quarter embodies, like slow food, slow chess, low tech, reading books and having actual conversations, and exchanging ideas and views with real people (and cows. Okay, Jazz Cow is the only cow, but that’s cool). Jazz Cow doesn’t like the throwaway culture, so he wants to help the local cobbler (even though this guy works with leather. Awkward. And Jazz Cow has hooves). Jazz Cow also realises that it’s not just keeping things going: it’s fighting back and spreading the word
Music is not content. It’s music. Right?
Fight fire with jazz. The Estonian Revolution was started by singing. Kids need to learn instruments. Jazz needs to be broadcast. The Resistance starts here.
Stop. Who is Dr Popp?
Dr Popp is the master of ceremonies, somewhere between Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg. He’s not writing the code (he’s his coder got Bash808 for that), but he realises how important it is and is always two steps ahead of everyone. He doesn’t think he’s the bad guy. He’s the paternalist who is trying to make the world easier, more convenient, cheaper, and faster, with only your thumbprint needed, at a more affordable price, payable monthly and your PIN code will be sent to your phone via Text. Dr Popp has done the thinking for you – and his algorithms are there to deliver you exactly what you want at the moment you think you feel you want it. Even though it was kind of his idea.
How do the people of Poppworld feel about this takeover? Pretty good, as they keep electing Mayor Victoria Stickler who’s in Dr Popp’s pocket. She’s someone who loves to project the image of being up early, jogging, eating clean etc. She loves the attention – and wants everything clean and tidy – and regulated. She doesn’t like jazz because it’s chaotic and will probably lead to crime, or laziness, or both. Therefore, she mustn’t find out that her son, Jack, can often be found there. Image
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